Tom Sawyer Detective

Mark Twain


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Beschreibung zu „Tom Sawyer Detective“

Tom Sawyer Detective is a novel by Mark Twain. It is a sequel to Tom Sawyer (1876) and Adventures of Huckleberry Finn (1884), and a prequel to Tom Sawyer Abroad (1894). Tom Sawyer attempts to solve a mysterious murder in this burlesque of the immensely popular detective novels of the time. Like Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, the story is told using the first-person narrative voice of Huck Finn. In 1909, Danish schoolmaster Valdemar Thoresen claimed, in an article in the magazine Maaneds, that the plot of the book had been plagiarized from Steen Blicher's story The Vicar of Weilby. Blicher's work had been translated into German, but not into English, and Twain's secretary wrote Mr. Thoresen a letter, stating, "Mr. Clemens is not familiar with Danish and does not read German fluently, and has not read the book you mention, nor any translation or adaptation of it that he is aware of. The matter constituting 'Tom Sawyer, Detective,' is original with Mr. Clemens, who has never been consciously a plagiarist." In fact, if the story were taken from any tale, it would actually be from a real one—in an introductory passage, Twain notes "Strange as the incidents of this story are, they are not inventions, but facts—even to the public confession of the accused. I take them from an old-time Swedish criminal trial, change the actors, and transfer the scenes to America. I have added some details, but only a couple of them are important ones."

Über Mark Twain

Mark Twain, seudónimo de Samuel Langhorne Clemens, nació en Florida, Missouri, en 1835. Pasó su infancia y adolescencia en Hannibal, a orillas del río Mississippi. En 1861 viajó a Nevada como secretario personal de su hermano, que acababa de ser nombrado secretario del gobernador. Más tarde, en San Francisco, trabajó en The Morning Call. En 1866 realizó un viaje de seis meses por las islas Hawai y al año siguiente embarcó hacia Europa. Resultado de este último viaje fue uno de sus primeros éxitos editoriales, Guía para viajeros inocentes, publicado en 1869. En 1876 publicó su segunda obra de gran éxito, Las aventuras de Tom Sawyer, y en 1885 la que los críticos consideran su mejor obra, Las aventuras de Huckleberry Finn . Murió en 1910 en Redding, Connecticut.


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