The Innocents Abroad

Mark Twain

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Beschreibung zu „The Innocents Abroad“

The Innocents Abroad Mark Twain - Fully entitled The Innocents Abroad, or the New Pilgrims Progress, Twains colorful travelogue is a compilation of the newspaper articles he wrote while on a cruise to Europe, Egypt, and the Holy Land with other American tourists in 1867. His account frequently uses humor to describe the people and places he visits, although this becomes highly satiric at times as Twain becomes frustrated with European profiteering, a pointless historical anecdote in Gibraltar, and the overly institutionalized nature of countries like Italy. Where he critiques, however, he also feels a strange reverence, as in the Canary Islands and the Holy Land. A more serious theme also flows through Twains experience. Twain sees the conflict between history and the modern world as he travels with his New World compatriots through the lands of ancient civilizations, ultimately discovering that you cant believe everything you read in travel guidebooks. This landmark work finds Twain searching for the American identity as it increasingly casts its shadow over the world of Old Europe.

Über Mark Twain

Mark Twain, seudónimo de Samuel Langhorne Clemens, nació en Florida, Missouri, en 1835. Pasó su infancia y adolescencia en Hannibal, a orillas del río Mississippi. En 1861 viajó a Nevada como secretario personal de su hermano, que acababa de ser nombrado secretario del gobernador. Más tarde, en San Francisco, trabajó en The Morning Call. En 1866 realizó un viaje de seis meses por las islas Hawai y al año siguiente embarcó hacia Europa. Resultado de este último viaje fue uno de sus primeros éxitos editoriales, Guía para viajeros inocentes, publicado en 1869. En 1876 publicó su segunda obra de gran éxito, Las aventuras de Tom Sawyer, y en 1885 la que los críticos consideran su mejor obra, Las aventuras de Huckleberry Finn . Murió en 1910 en Redding, Connecticut.

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