Falls the Shadow

Mark Timlin


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Beschreibung zu „Falls the Shadow“

Working in a bar has proved too dangerous for Nick Sharman, so he's back in the private investigation game.
His first job, looking for a lost Highland terrier called Prince, shouldn't be too demanding; a quick visit to the owner's ex-husband and a mention in the local newspaper ought to trace it. But Sharman has reckoned without a skinhead nutter by the name of Eddie Cochran.
Then there's the call from Sunset Radio. Late-night phone-in DJ Peter Day has managed to upset an unpleasant splinter group, not to mention a paranoid caller, John from Stockwell; and now his post contains more than the usual fanmail; nothing explosive however... so far. Sunset wants Sharman to mind Day - though he's rather concentrate on Sophia, the secretary with the habit of wearing dresses that cling to every curve of her body. But even Sharman couldn't ignore the grisly contents of the next package delivered to the station - or let the threat of further bloody killings go unanswered...


No Exit Press




ca. 208





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