The Lovers' Guide to Rome

A Novel Full of Heart and Romantic Delight

Mark Lamprell

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Beschreibung zu „The Lovers' Guide to Rome“

This gorgeous novel set around the beautiful sights of Rome tells the story of three couples and their adventures with love in the eternal city.

Young artist Alice has come to Rome for adventure and inspiration before settling down. Is there such a thing as love at first sight and how will she know if it's happening to her?

Middle-aged Meg and Alec have come to Rome to rekindle their love affair, which has faded over the years.

Constance and Lizzie are here to scatter the ashes of Constance's beloved husband, Lizzie's brother Henry.

Rome will play a part in the lives of all these characters to make sure they find the happiness they deserve.


Allen & Unwin




ca. 196





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