Clouds of Witnesses

Christian Voices from Africa and Asia

Mark A. Noll Carolyn Nystrom

Religion & Glaube

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Beschreibung zu „Clouds of Witnesses“

As Africa and Asia take their place as the new Christian heartlands, a new and robust company of saints is coming into view.In seventeen inspiring narratives Mark Noll and Carolyn Nystrom introduce pivotal Christian leaders in Africa and Asia who had tenacious faith in the midst of deprivation, suffering and conflict. Spanning a century, from the 1880s to the 1980s, their stories demonstrate the vitality of the Christian faith in a diversity of contexts.This kaleidoscopic witness to the power of the gospel will both inspire and educate. Whether for a class in global Christianity or for a personal journey to other times and places of faith, Clouds of Witnesses is a book that tugs at our curiosity and resists being laid down. An engaging traveling companion to Mark Noll's award-winning book The New Shape of World Christianity.






ca. 271





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