Lilani and the pangolin

Marion von Vlahovits

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Beschreibung zu „Lilani and the pangolin“

On the way to school, a strange ball rolls in front of ten-year-old Lilani's feet.
A ball? That's strange, because there's no one nearby who could have thrown it or shot it. When she takes a closer look at what has tumbled in front of her feet, an animal that looks like a large pine cone unrolls.
Thus begins an exciting adventure for Lilani. Since the scaly creature follows her all the way home, she wants to keep it. But the village elder catches Lilani and takes the animal away from her.
Will she manage to save the pangolin together with her new friend Maria?

The pangolin is the most illegally trafficked animal in the world.

The book was published in cooperation with Maria Diekmann, the founder and director of Rare & Endangered Species Trust in Namibia.
Kerstin Geier, who illustrated the book lives in Africa.

Über Marion von Vlahovits

Marion von Vlahovits lebt mit ihrer Familie in der Nähe von Regensburg. Dort arbeitet sie als Lehrerin in einem Förderzentrum. Schon in ihrer Kindheit war sie eine Leseratte und reiste so immer wieder in andere Welten. Früh fing sie an eigene Geschichten zu erfinden. Beim Papierfresserchens MTM Verlag wurde bereits ihr Buch "Julian und die Wutsteine" veröffentlicht.


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