Wit and Humor of the Bible: A Literary Study

Marion D. Shutter

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Beschreibung zu „Wit and Humor of the Bible: A Literary Study“

In Marion D. Shutter's 'Wit and Humor of the Bible: A Literary Study', readers are taken on a scholarly examination of the Bible's comedic elements, exploring the often overlooked humorous aspects of the sacred text. Through a meticulous analysis of different passages, Shutter delves into the subtle wit and clever humor embedded in the biblical narratives, shedding light on the lighter side of the scriptures. This book offers a unique perspective on the Bible, presenting it not only as a religious text but also as a rich source of literary humor. Shutter's writing is engaging and insightful, making this literary study an enlightening read for both scholars and casual readers alike. Marion D. Shutter, a seasoned scholar in biblical studies, brings a wealth of knowledge and expertise to his exploration of humor in the Bible. His background in literary analysis and religious studies provides a solid foundation for his examination of the comedic elements within the scriptures. 'Wit and Humor of the Bible' is a must-read for those interested in a fresh interpretation of the Bible's content and a deeper understanding of its literary value.


Good Press




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