Cooking For Two

81 Delicious And Healthy Recipes Perfectly Portioned To Serve Two Persons

Marina Beecher

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Beschreibung zu „Cooking For Two“

Small scale cooking can't get easier than this. Whether you are cooking for you and your partner or just trying your hands on different recipes without wasting food, this is the perfect book for you. Cooking for two persons is not as easy as splitting up the ingredients in recipes with larger servings, you'll also have to consider the right temperature, timing and equipment that will be suitable for a well prepared meal for two.

In this book you can explore various recipes; from healthy and easy-to-make breakfast, yummy chicken recipes, healthy salads, scrumptious soups, to mouth-watering desserts, find all you'll ever need to put delicious meals on a table for two.

Some recipes in this book include:
Mushroom 'N' Spinach Omelet
Pesto Chicken Caprese Flatbread
Crumbly Cherry Bars
Hazelnut And Apple Scallop Salad
Horseradish Trout
Easy Corn Soup
Potato Lamb Rack Recipe
Creamy Almond Spread
Creamy Mushroom Chicken
Basil 'N' Shrimp Stuffed Eggplant
Carroty Lemon Salad
Brown Rice Pudding
Cubed Steak With Sherry And Mushroom Sauce
Garlic Mushroom Soup
Breaded Hazelnut Chicken
Spiral Dill Bites
Rum Raspberry Jam Cocktail
Mixed Vegetable Salad
Grilled Tilapia Salsa
Chips And Peanut Butter Pancake
Beef Sautee With Polenta
Creamy Onion Soup
Crispy Rhubarb Ramekins

This book will be very useful to two persons living together, who want to get the best available nutritional value and yet have fun enjoying great meals with minimal cost.






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