The Wisdom of Fools

Margaret Wade Campbell Deland

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Beschreibung zu „The Wisdom of Fools“

Margaret Wade Campbell Deland's 'The Wisdom of Fools' explores the complexities of human nature through the intertwined lives of a group of characters in a small New England town. Deland's writing style is characterized by its keen observations of human behavior and its realistic dialogue. Set in the early 20th century, the novel reflects the social norms and values of the time while also delving into timeless themes such as love, betrayal, and redemption. Deland's ability to portray the inner lives of her characters with depth and empathy makes 'The Wisdom of Fools' a compelling and thought-provoking read. Deland, an influential American novelist and short story writer, drew inspiration from her own experiences growing up in a small town and her observations of human nature. Her keen insight into the human psyche shines through in this novel, making it a captivating exploration of the human condition. I highly recommend 'The Wisdom of Fools' to readers who appreciate character-driven narratives and richly detailed storytelling.


Good Press




ca. 125





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