The Pivot of Civilization

Margaret Sanger

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Beschreibung zu „The Pivot of Civilization“

The Pivot of Civilization Margaret Sanger - The Pivot of Civilization talks about how birth control is viewed and will affect civilization and approach individual and social problems. The book also discusses different issues that affect mothers and children in this day and age.
The text covers topics such as issues that have arisen due to birth control; the difficult state mothers are still in; child labor; negative effects of philanthropy and organized charity; the relation of Marxian Socialism to birth control; the problems with eugenics; and the orthodox Catholic view on contraception.
The book is recommended for those who wish to understand and learn more about birth control, including how it affects the civilization, mothers, and children. Those who are interested in knowing how civilization views birth control and affects mothers and children will also find the book helpful.

The Pivot of Civilization talks about how birth control is viewed and will affect civilization and approach individual and social problems. The book also discusses different issues that affect mothers and children in this day and age.
The text covers topics such as issues that have arisen due to birth control; the difficult state mothers are still in; child labor; negative effects of philanthropy and organized charity; the relation of Marxian Socialism to birth control; the problems with eugenics; and the orthodox Catholic view on contraception.
The book is recommended for those who wish to understand and learn more about birth control, including how it affects the civilization, mothers, and children. Those who are interested in knowing how civilization views birth control and affects mothers and children will also find the book helpful.


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