SharePoint Kompendium - Bd. 21

Marc André Zhou Rainer Stropek Benjamin Lanzendörfer Johannes Woithon

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Beschreibung zu „SharePoint Kompendium - Bd. 21“

Das SharePoint Kompendium ist ein Sammelband unterschiedlicher Artikel rund um das Thema SharePoint. Dieser Band gibt weitreichende Informationen zum Erstellen von wiederverwendbaren UI-Komponenten, zum effektiven Einsatz des SharePoint Frameworks, zeigt, wie Sie ihr Unternehmnensintranet sinnvoll und produktiv einsetzen, und gibt wertvolle Inputs zu den Themen Dokumenten- und Informationmanagement sowie der Bedeutung von Softwaredokumentation.

Über Marc André Zhou

Marc André Zhou has been a passionate software developer for over 20 years. He holds a Master degree (M.Sc.) from the University of Duisburg/Essen in informatics. Marc he has several Microsoft SharePoint qualifications including MCP and MCTIP.

Currently, he is self-employed and works as independent consultant for various clients. His main focus is creating business and web applications for customers using Microsoft technologies with and without the SharePoint platform. Marc has been working with SharePoint since the first version was available in 2001.

Marc writes regularly for developer magazines and speaks at developer conferences. More information about Marc André Zhou is available on his blog:





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