Corinne; or, Italy

Madame de Staël

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Beschreibung zu „Corinne; or, Italy“

Madame de Staël's 'Corinne; or, Italy' is a seminal work of Romantic literature that captivates readers with its vivid portrayal of Italy's beauty, culture, and politics. Through the story of a talented and passionate poetess named Corinne, de Staël explores themes of love, art, and the conflict between reason and emotion in a society that values tradition over individuality. Written in a lyrical and descriptive style, the novel reflects the author's own experiences and observations during her travels through Italy. 'Corinne' challenges societal norms and stereotypes, making it a groundbreaking feminist work ahead of its time. Madame de Staël's insightful commentary on Italian society and politics adds depth and complexity to the narrative, making it a must-read for those interested in Romantic literature and cultural studies. Overall, 'Corinne; or, Italy' is a timeless masterpiece that offers readers a glimpse into the artistic and intellectual currents of early 19th-century Europe.


Good Press




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