One, None and a Hundred-thousand

Luigi Pirandello

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Beschreibung zu „One, None and a Hundred-thousand“

Luigi Pirandello's 'One, None and a Hundred-thousand' is a thought-provoking novel that delves into the complexities of identity and self-perception. Through the story of the protagonist, Vitangelo Moscarda, Pirandello explores the fluidity of one's sense of self and the masks we wear in different social contexts. The literary style is characterized by Pirandello's signature use of psychological depth and introspection, combined with a touch of existentialism. Set in early 20th century Italy, the novel is a testament to Pirandello's ability to capture the nuances of the human psyche. Luigi Pirandello, known for his innovative narrative techniques and philosophical undertones, was influenced by his own struggles with self-perception and societal expectations. His background in theater and psychology shines through in 'One, None and a Hundred-thousand,' as he uses the medium of fiction to challenge conventional notions of identity and reality. I highly recommend 'One, None and a Hundred-thousand' to readers interested in existential literature and psychological exploration. Pirandello's work will leave you questioning your own sense of self and the masks you wear in your daily interactions.

Über Luigi Pirandello

Luigi Pirandello wurde 1867 in Agrigent, Sizilien, geboren. Für sein dramatisches und erzählerisches Werk erhielt er 1934 den Nobelpreis für Literatur. Er gilt als Wegbereiter des modernen Theaters. Luigi Pirandello starb 1936 in Rom.


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