Neymar – 2018 Updated Edition

The Unstoppable Rise of Barcelona's Brazilian Superstar

Luca Caioli

Sport & Fitness

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Beschreibung zu „Neymar – 2018 Updated Edition“

Having long been hailed as a future star of world soccer, Neymar has thrived under the pressure of expectation.

Already well on his way to becoming Brazil's all-time top scorer and a leading light in one of the greatest Barcelona teams in history, his legacy is already taking shape.

Updated to include all the action from the 2016/17 season and drawing on exclusive interviews with those who have known and worked with him, Neymar paints a compelling picture of the life and career of a global superstar.

Über Luca Caioli

Luca Caioli nació en Milán (1958) y vive en Madrid desde hace 10 años. Periodista deportivo y escritor, conoce a fondo el fútbol español y sus principales estrellas. Es autor de Ronaldinho, el futbolista feliz y Messi, el niño que no podía crecer, así com


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