Little Women (Unabridged)

Louisa May Alcott

Hörbuch Romane Historische Romane

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Beschreibung zu „Little Women (Unabridged)“

This glorious new audio production of Louisa May Alcott's classic novel Little Women; Meg, Jo, Beth and Amy (the first of four books) gives us the March sisters in one evanescent year, from Christmas to Christmas, as they dance back and forth on the delicate, tender line between childhood and adulthood.
By turns as achingly beautiful as it is humorous and wise, as you listen you will fall in love with rough-and-tumble Jo, graceful Meg, gentle, gifted Beth, and willful Amy as they struggle, fight, sing, write, run, play, weep, laugh, and love their ways through life in Civil War New England.
This delightful recording is followed by a fascinating conversation between Anne Undeland and Alison Larkin about Louisa May Alcott's feminist beginnings, and why the great classic is still so beloved today.

Gelesen von:

Anne Undeland


Alison Larkin Presents




9 Std. 55 Min.





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