Jo's Boys

Louisa May Alcott

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Beschreibung zu „Jo's Boys“

Jo's Boys Louisa May Alcott - Beginning ten years after Little Men, Jos Boys revisits Plumfield, the New England school still presided over by Jo and her husband, Professor Bhaer. Jo remains at the center of the tale, surrounded by her boysincluding rebellious Dan, sailor Emil, and promising musician Natas they experience shipwreck and storm, disappointment and even murder. Ten years after Jo opened a school for boys, the little men have grown up and left Plumfield. Now college students, sailors, and musicians, they each explore the world and try to find their place in it. But as they encounter love, disappointment, tragedy, and intrigue, the boys rely on Jo to help them through the challenges they face. Inspired by Alcotts own experiences, Jos Boys brings the classic Little Women series to a close, completing the story that has inspired numerous film adaptations and that touches readers hearts as much today as at its original publication.


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