The Nursery "Alice"

Lewis Carroll

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Beschreibung zu „The Nursery "Alice"“

Lewis Carroll's 'The Nursery Alice' is a charming adaptation of his classic novel 'Alice's Adventures in Wonderland' aimed at younger readers, retelling the whimsical tale in a simplified language and format. The book maintains Carroll's trademark playful tone and fantastical elements, making it a delightful introduction to the magical world of Wonderland for children. Through vivid illustrations and engaging storytelling, 'The Nursery Alice' captures the essence of Carroll's original work while making it accessible and enjoyable for a younger audience. This adaptation serves as a valuable literary resource for parents and educators looking to introduce young readers to the imaginative works of Lewis Carroll. Lewis Carroll, a renowned Victorian author and mathematician, crafted 'The Nursery Alice' with the intention of entertaining and stimulating the minds of children, showcasing his versatility as a storyteller across different age groups. With its charming narrative and captivating illustrations, 'The Nursery Alice' is a must-read for young readers eager to explore the enchanting world of Wonderland.

Über Lewis Carroll

Charles Lutwidge Dodgson (1832-98), or Lewis Carroll as he was better known, was a lecturer in Mathematics at Oxford University when he wrote Alice in Wonderland (1865), and later Through the Looking-Glass and What Alice Found There (1871) for Alice Liddell. Mervyn Peake (1911-68) was an artist and writer. In addition to Treasure Island and The Rime of the Ancient Mariner, he also illustrated Household Tales by the Brothers Grimm and The Hunting of the Snark. His novels include the Gormenghast trilogy - Titus Groan, Gormenghast and Titus Alone - and Mr Pye.


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