Preferred Risk

Frederik Pohl Lester Del Rey

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Beschreibung zu „Preferred Risk“

The liner from Port Lyautey was comfortable and slick, but I was leaning forward in my seat as we came in over Naples. I had been on edge all the way across the Atlantic. Now as the steward came through the compartments to pick up our Blue Plate ration coupons for the trip, I couldn't help feeling annoyed that I hadn't eaten the food they represented. For the Company wanted everyone to get the fullest possible benefit out of his policies—not only the food policies, but Blue Blanket, Blue Bolt and all the others.
We whooshed in to a landing at Carmody Field, just outside of Naples. My baggage was checked through, so I didn't expect to have any difficulty clearing past the truce-team Customs inspectors. It was only a matter of turning over my baggage checks, and boarding the rapido that would take me into Naples.
But my luck was low. The man before me was a fussbudget who insisted on carrying his own bags, and I had to stand behind him a quarter of an hour, while the truce-teams geigered his socks and pajamas.
While I fidgeted, though, I noticed that the Customs shed had, high up on one wall, a heroic-sized bust of Millen Carmody himself. Just standing there, under that benevolent smile, made me feel better. I even managed to nod politely to the traveler ahead of me as he finally got through the gate and let me step up to the uniformed Company expediter who checked my baggage tickets.
And the expediter gave me an unexpected thrill. He leafed through my papers, then stepped back and gave me a sharp military salute. "Proceed, Adjuster Wills," he said, returning my travel orders. It hadn't been like that at the transfer point at Port Lyautey—not even back at the Home Office in New York. But here we were in Naples, and the little war was not yet forgotten; we were under Company law, and I was an officer of the Company.
It was all I needed to restore my tranquility. But it didn't last...

Über Frederik Pohl

Frederick Pohl, 1919 in New York geboren, zählt neben Isaac Asimov und Robert A. Heinlein zu den Gründervätern der amerikanischen Science Fiction. Er gehörte zu den SF-Herausgebern der ersten Stunde und machte schnell auch mit eigenen Romanen und Kurzgeschichten von sich reden, darunter „Mensch +“ und, zusammen mit Cyril M. Kornbluth, „Eine Handvoll Venus“. Die „Gateway-Trilogie“ gilt als sein bedeutendstes Werk. Frederik Pohl starb 2013 in seiner Heimat Illinois.

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