The Kingdom of God is Within You

Leo Tolstoi

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Beschreibung zu „The Kingdom of God is Within You“

In 1884 I wrote a book entitled "My Religion," wherein I formulated my creed.
While affirming my faith in the doctrine taught by Christ, I could not refrain from manifesting at the same time the reason why I look upon the ecclesiastical doctrine commonly called Christianity as erroneous, and to me incredible.
Among the many deviations of the latter from the doctrine of Christ, I called attention to the principal one; namely-the evasion of the commandment that forbids man to resist evil by violence, as a striking example of the perversion of the doctrine of Christ by ecclesiastical interpretation.
I knew but little, no more than other men, of what had been taught or written on the subject of non-resistance in former times. I was familiar with the opinions of the Fathers of the Church, Origen, Tertullian, and others; and I also knew of the existence of certain sects called Mennonites, Herrnhuters, and Quakers, all of which forbid Christians the use of arms, and will not submit to conscription, but I never knew the arguments by which these sects sought to maintain their views.
My book, as I had anticipated, was prohibited by the Russian censors, but partly in consequence of my reputation as a writer, partly because it excited curiosity, it had a circulation in manuscript, and while, on the one hand, it called forth from those persons who sympathized with my ideas, information concerning works written on the same subject, on the other, it excited criticisms on the opinions therein maintained.
These two results, together with the historical events of recent years, made many things clear to me, and led me to many new deductions and conclusions which I now desire to set forth.
I shall speak in the first place of the information I received in regard to the history of this matter of non-resistance to evil; and in the second place, of the arguments upon the subject offered by religious critics, that is, by critics who profess the religion of Christ, as well as those of secular critics, that is to say, of men who make no such profession; and finally, the conclusions which I drew from the arguments of both parties, as well as from the historical events of later years.

Über Leo Tolstoi

Lew Tolstoj wurde am 9. September 1828 in Jasnaja Poljana bei Tula geboren und starb am 20. November 1910 in Astapowo an einer Lungenentzündung. Tolstoj entstammte einem russischen Adelsgeschlecht. Als er mit neun Jahren Vollwaise wurde, übernahm die Schwester seines Vaters die Vormundschaft. An der Universität Kasan begann er 1844 das Studium orientalischer Sprachen. Nach einem Wechsel zur juristischen Fakultät brach er das Studium 1847 ab, um zu versuchen, die Lage der 350 geerbten Leibeigenen im Stammgut der Familie in Jasnaja Poljana mit Landreformen zu verbessern. Er erlebte von 1851 an in der zaristischen Armee die Kämpfe im Kaukasus und nach Ausbruch des Krimkriegs 1854 den Stellungskrieg in der belagerten Festung Sewastopol. Die Berichte aus diesem Krieg machten ihn als Schriftsteller früh bekannt. Er bereiste aus pädagogischem Interesse westeuropäische Länder und traf dort auf Künstler und Pädagogen. Nach der Rückkehr verstärkte er die reformpädagogischen Bestrebungen und richtete Dorfschulen nach dem Vorbild Rousseaus ein. Seit 1855 lebte er abwechselnd auf dem Gut Jasnaja Poljana, in Moskau, und in Sankt Petersburg. Im Jahre 1862 heiratete er die 18-jährige deutschstämmige Sofja Andrejewna Behrs, mit der er insgesamt 13 Kinder hatte. In den folgenden Jahren seiner Ehe schrieb er die monumentalen Romane Krieg und Frieden sowie Anna Karenina.

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