The Death of Ivan Ilych

Leo Tolstoi

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Beschreibung zu „The Death of Ivan Ilych“

The Death of Ivan Ilych Leo Tolstoy - Ivan Ilyich lives a carefree life that is "most simple and most ordinary and therefore most terrible". Like everyone he knows, he spends his life climbing the social ladder. Enduring marriage to a woman whom he often finds too demanding, he works his way up to be a magistrate, thanks to the influence he has over a friend who has just been promoted, focusing more on his work as his family life becomes less tolerable.While hanging curtains for his new home one day, he falls awkwardly and hurts his side. Though he does not think much of it at first, he begins to suffer from a pain in his side. As his discomfort grows, his behavior towards his family becomes more irritable. His wife finally insists that he visit a physician. The physician cannot pinpoint the source of his malady, but soon it becomes clear that his condition is terminal. Confronted with his diagnosis, Ivan attempts every remedy he can to obtain a cure for his worsening situation, until the pain grows so intense that he is forced to cease working and spend the remainder of his days in bed. Here, he is brought face to face with his mortality and realizes that, although he knows of it, he does not truly grasp it.During the long and painful process of dying, Ivan dwells on the idea that he does not deserve his suffering because he has lived rightly. If he had not lived a good life, there could be a reason for his pain; but he has, so pain and death must be arbitrary and senseless. As he begins to hate his family for avoiding the subject of his death, for pretending he is only sick and not dying, he finds his only comfort in his peasant boy servant, Gerasim, the only person in Ivan's life who does not fear death, and also the only one who, apart from his own son, shows compassion for him. Ivan begins to question whether he has, in fact, lived a good life.In the final days of his life, Ivan makes a clear split between an artificial life, such as his own, which masks the true meaning of life and makes one fear death, and an authentic life, the life of Gerasim. Authentic life is marked by compassion and sympathy, the artificial life by self-interest. Then "some force" strikes Ivan in the chest and side, and he is brought into the presence of a bright light. His hand falls onto his nearby son's head, and Ivan pities his son. He no longer hates his daughter or wife, but rather feels pity for them, and hopes his death will release them. In so doing, his terror of death leaves him, and as Tolstoy suggests, death itself disappears.

Über Leo Tolstoi

Lew Tolstoj wurde am 9. September 1828 in Jasnaja Poljana bei Tula geboren und starb am 20. November 1910 in Astapowo an einer Lungenentzündung. Tolstoj entstammte einem russischen Adelsgeschlecht. Als er mit neun Jahren Vollwaise wurde, übernahm die Schwester seines Vaters die Vormundschaft. An der Universität Kasan begann er 1844 das Studium orientalischer Sprachen. Nach einem Wechsel zur juristischen Fakultät brach er das Studium 1847 ab, um zu versuchen, die Lage der 350 geerbten Leibeigenen im Stammgut der Familie in Jasnaja Poljana mit Landreformen zu verbessern. Er erlebte von 1851 an in der zaristischen Armee die Kämpfe im Kaukasus und nach Ausbruch des Krimkriegs 1854 den Stellungskrieg in der belagerten Festung Sewastopol. Die Berichte aus diesem Krieg machten ihn als Schriftsteller früh bekannt. Er bereiste aus pädagogischem Interesse westeuropäische Länder und traf dort auf Künstler und Pädagogen. Nach der Rückkehr verstärkte er die reformpädagogischen Bestrebungen und richtete Dorfschulen nach dem Vorbild Rousseaus ein. Seit 1855 lebte er abwechselnd auf dem Gut Jasnaja Poljana, in Moskau, und in Sankt Petersburg. Im Jahre 1862 heiratete er die 18-jährige deutschstämmige Sofja Andrejewna Behrs, mit der er insgesamt 13 Kinder hatte. In den folgenden Jahren seiner Ehe schrieb er die monumentalen Romane Krieg und Frieden sowie Anna Karenina.

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