Zeke & Zak Fumble Through A Fairy Long Lesson

Lenora Rodgers


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Beschreibung zu „Zeke & Zak Fumble Through A Fairy Long Lesson“

Zeke & Zak fumble through one of their first jobs as Tooth Fairy Assistants.

Whether they're covered in goo, or running for their lives, these two are sure to keep you in stitches.

'Zeke & Zak Fumble Through A Fairy Long Lesson' has been accepted for our 'Books4Kids' program. The Books 4 Kids Program is a 501c3 non-profit corporation with a mission to build children’s character through books. B4K brings authors into the classroom – in person or through electronic conferencing. The author reads from his or her book, answers student questions and leads a discussion of what was learned from the book. (Each book has a character-building message infused in the story.)

At the end of the discussion, each child receives his own copy of the book for free! (Thanks to generous donations from our program sponsors!)

The Books 4 Kids Program provides students with an exciting book event where every child can participate equally. B4K events are about inclusion, character-building and fun.

For more information, visit B4KProgram.org.






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