Death Bed

An addictive and nail-biting crime thriller

Leigh Russell


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Beschreibung zu „Death Bed“

The fourth in the detective series featuring DI Geraldine Steel
When the bodies of two black girls are discovered in North London, the pressure is on to find a killer before the case divides the local community.
But motive seems to go far beyond race in DI Geraldine Steel's first investigation in the nation's capital.
Two teeth were extracted from each victim, and when this information is leaked to the press, there is a media frenzy over the unusual MO.
As the police pursue their lead suspect, a third girl goes missing.
With the death toll mounting, time is running out for Geraldine as she hunts for the elusive killer the media are calling 'The Dentist'.
'An innovative and refreshing take on the psychological thriller'Books Plus Food
'Death Bed is a marvellous entry in this highly acclaimed series' Lizzie Hayes, Promoting Crime Fiction
'Russell's strength as a writer is her ability to portray believable characters'Crimesquad


No Exit Press




ca. 286





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