The Pig Brother, and Other Fables and Stories

A Supplementary Reader for the Fourth School Year

Laura Elizabeth Howe Richards

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Beschreibung zu „The Pig Brother, and Other Fables and Stories“

In Laura Elizabeth Howe Richards' book, 'The Pig Brother, and Other Fables and Stories', readers are treated to a collection of charming fables and stories that are reminiscent of classic fairy tales. Richards' literary style is gentle and whimsical, perfectly suited for the moral lessons and enchanting narratives found within the pages of this book. Drawing on inspiration from traditional folk tales, Richards weaves together stories that are both entertaining and thought-provoking, making this collection a delightful read for both children and adults. The book's timeless themes of kindness, friendship, and bravery resonate with readers of all ages. Laura Elizabeth Howe Richards, a prolific American author and poet, was known for her children's literature as well as her biographies and essays. Her background in writing for children undoubtedly influenced the creation of 'The Pig Brother', as she masterfully blends fantasy with moral instruction. Readers who enjoy classic fables and enchanting stories with profound messages will find 'The Pig Brother, and Other Fables and Stories' a valuable addition to their bookshelf, promising hours of delightful reading and reflection.


Good Press




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