Folk-Tales of Bengal

Lal Behari Day

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Beschreibung zu „Folk-Tales of Bengal“

In 'Folk-Tales of Bengal' by Lal Behari Day, readers are greeted with a delightful collection of traditional Bengali folk tales that have been passed down through generations. The book showcases a rich tapestry of stories that embody the cultural and social values of the Bengali people, offering readers a glimpse into the folklore and mythology of the region. Day's writing style is simple yet engaging, making these tales accessible to a wide audience while retaining their original charm and authenticity. Set against the backdrop of rural Bengal, these stories are filled with magical creatures, mythical beings, and moral lessons that continue to resonate with readers today. Lal Behari Day's meticulous collection of these folk tales serves as a valuable resource for anyone interested in the diverse cultural heritage of Bengal. His deep appreciation for these stories is evident in his careful preservation of their original form and essence, making this book a must-read for folklore enthusiasts, scholars, and anyone looking to explore the enchanting world of Bengali mythology.


Good Press




ca. 215





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