Richard Pages

L. R. Cerna y March

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Beschreibung zu „Richard Pages“

Richard Pages is simultaneously a monster and an angel; a perpetrator and a victim.
The fiction is the case presentation of this Richard Pages, which means, the narrator is the main character in the story. The story is not narrated from the third person point of view, the story is narrated without experts' opinions and analyses in a dogmatic way that means beyond white or black hats.
He is indefatigable and periodically moving from one place to another. The story starts in Heidelberg (Germany), continues in Guernsey (Channel Island), Edinburgh (Scotland), San Juan, Durango, Santa Fe (New Mexico and Colorado USA), returns to Heidelberg and Edinburgh/London, continues in Hamburg (Germany), Oberjoch (Germany), Chambéry (France), Barcelona (Spain), Kraków (Poland), and finishes in Munich (Germany). After a while, Edinburgh becomes his main residence.
What does the reader think of Richard Pages? Does he lose his reverence for all life? Does he know what reverence means? Is he guilty or not guilty, that's here the question the reader must solve for himself?
In the story there is no behavioral analysis, no significant justice investigations; it is just the presentation of some moments in Richard Pages' life between 1973 and 1990.
Richard Pages is the output of his circumstances and doesn't feel guilty when killing. He is a mass murderer, a serial killer, a killing machine able to love and logically a contradictio in adjecto between killing and loving with a huge secret in his life. He almost get redemption twice in his life, but does he deserve redemption?
It is up to the reader to give him the subjective redemption or condemnation he may need.
The goal in publishing this fiction is literature at its best. It never intends to be a scientific study of motivations and characteristics of serial murderers. Thought processes, motivations and behaviors can be derived as side effect form the presentation, but have primarily nothing to do with the presented story.

Über L. R. Cerna y March

L. R. Cerna y March hat sein Studium an der Universität Heidelberg abgeschlossen. Er hat eine Reihe von Büchern und Artikeln unter seinen Pseudonymen im Fachbereich Belletristik und in den technischen und industriellen Fachbereichen veröffentlicht.

About the author:

L. R. Cerna y March is a graduate of the University of Heidelberg. He has published several books and articles under his pen names in the field of belles-lettres and in technical and industrial fields.

Sobre el autor:

L. R. Cerna y March se graduó en la universidad de Heidelberg. Ha publicado una serie de libros y artículos bajo sus seudónimos en el campo de las bellas letras y en los campos técnicos e industriales.

A propos de l'auteur:
L. R. Cerna y March est diplômé de l'Université de Heidelberg. Il a publié plusieurs livres et de nombreux articles sous différents pseudonymes (dans la catégorie des "belles-lettres" et champs techniques et industriels).


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