Napoleon and the Queen of Prussia

Historical Novel

L. Mühlbach

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Beschreibung zu „Napoleon and the Queen of Prussia“

"Napoleon and The Queen of Prussia" is a historical novel representing one of the most fascinating and famous oppositions in the times of Napoleonic wars: the political battle between Napoleon Buonaparte and Queen Elizabeth of Prussia. Napoleon called her "my beautiful enemy" and tried to ruin her reputation in Prussia by spreading gossip. Yet, his intentions failed since the people of Prussia loved their wise and kind queen, who enchanted everyone with her irresistible charm and beauty. When Napoleon first met her in person, he said: "I heard you are the most beautiful of Queens, but I did not know that you are the most beautiful of women." Yet, her charm didn't help her stop the Napoleonic invasion of Prussia. The novel "Napoleon and the Queen of Prussia" lets the reader dive into the atmosphere of the epoch. You learn about the battles, victories, and defeats of the two of the most influential leaders of Europe through the detailed and picturesque scenes of their personal lives.






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