The Golden Road

L.M. Montgomery

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Beschreibung zu „The Golden Road“

The Golden Road L. M. Montgomery - The Golden Road is a 1913 novel by Canadian author L. M. Montgomery.Lucy Maud Montgomery was a Canadian author, best known for a series of novels beginning with Anne of Green Gables, published in 1908.The author of the famous Canadian novel Anne of Green Gables, Lucy Maud Montgomery, was born at Clifton, Prince Edward Island, Nov. 30, 1874. She came to live at Leaskdale, north of Uxbridge Ontario, in 1911 after her wedding with Rev. Ewen Macdonald on July 11, 1911 in Prince Edward Island. Her three children were born at Leaskdale, and she wrote close to a dozen books while she was living in the Leaskdale Manse before the Macdonald family moved to Norval, Ontario in 1926.Maud died in Toronto April 24, 1942 and was buried at Cavendish, Prince Edward Island.


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