You Like Me, Not My Daughter?! Volume 2 (Light Novel)

Kota Nozomi


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Beschreibung zu „You Like Me, Not My Daughter?! Volume 2 (Light Novel)“

It was a bumpy road getting here, but things have finally settled down for Ayako and Takumi, who have decided to take it slow and avoid making any dramatic changes to their relationship. At least, that was what Ayako thought they had decided. Just when she feels like she can finally relax, Takumi asks her out on a date! After focusing on nothing but raising her daughter for the last decade, Ayako has no idea how to mentally prepare for an event like this. The pressure’s on for Takumi as well—he’s spent the last ten years dreaming of their first date, so it has to be perfect! Will the couple manage to get over their nerves and have a night to remember? Or is their first date end before it’s even begun?


J-Novel Club




ca. 126





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