The Memory of Whiteness

A Scientific Romance

Kim Stanley Robinson

Science Fiction

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Beschreibung zu „The Memory of Whiteness“

An early novel from Science Fiction legend Kim Stanley Robinson, The Memory of Whiteness is now available for the first time in decades.

In 3229 A.D., human civilization is scattered among the planets, moons, and asteroids of the solar system. Billions of lives depend on the technology derived from the breakthroughs of the greatest physicist of the age, Arthur Holywelkin. But in the last years of his life, Holywelkin devoted himself to building a strange, beautiful, and complex musical instrument that he called The Orchestra.

Johannes Wright has earned the honor of becoming the Ninth Master of Holywelkin's Orchestra. Follow him on his Grand Tour of the Solar System, as he journeys down the gravity well toward the sun, impelled by a destiny he can scarcely understand, and is pursued by mysterious foes who will tell him anything except the reason for their enmity.

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Über Kim Stanley Robinson

Kim Stanley Robinson wurde 1952 in Illinois geboren, studierte Literatur und promovierte mit einem Essay über die Romane von Philip K. Dick. Er veröffentlichte zahlreiche Science-Fiction-Kurzgeschichten und -Romane und wurde mit dem Nebula Award ausgezeichnet. Weltbekannt wurde er mit seiner Mars-Trilogie. Kim Stanley Robinson lebt und arbeitet in Kalifornien.


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