Manor of Life and Death

Kim M. Watt

Hörbuch Romane Krimis

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Beschreibung zu „Manor of Life and Death“

Warring staff. 'Accidental' poisonings. Topiary of dubious intent.
Throw in the full complement of the Toot Hansell Women's Institute and dragons doing yoga, and DI Adams is starting to wonder if she might have made a small misjudgement signing up for this particular spa weekend.
And that's before the dead body in the sauna and the storm that cuts them off from the rest of the world.
Now she's dealing with a houseful of guests (and staff) who're looking more suspicious by the moment, fending off protesters, and trying to keep everyone safe as the storm closes in. She needs to find the killer, keep the dragons hidden, stop the W.I. forming some sort of posse, and try to resist the urge to arrest everyone.
And never mind the problem of the invisible dog. Sure. It's going to be a wonderful weekend.

Gelesen von:

Patricia Gallimore


Isis Audio




11 Std. 52 Min.





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