Coming Up Roses

Kim M. Watt

Hörbuch Romane Krimis

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Beschreibung zu „Coming Up Roses“

There's a fine line between 'eccentric' and 'a danger to oneself and others'. That's certainly what DI Adams is thinking when a body turns up in Rose's freezer. Rose might not look like an octogenarian black widow, but it's the inspector's job to follow the evidence. Alice and the Toot Hansell Women's Institute couldn't disagree more. Certain that Rose is responsible for nothing worse than a little forgetfulness, they're not going to let her be sent to jail or an old folk's home. If certain detective inspectors have rather limiting beliefs regarding what constitutes helping the police with their investigations, then that is their problem. Alice and the W.I. are in a desperate race to clear Rose's name before DI Adams has no choice but to arrest her. Finding the real murderer would be easier without lurking journalists hunting dragons, too. . .

Gelesen von:

Patricia Gallimore


Isis Audio




12 Std. 32 Min.





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