The Case of the Lighthouse Intruder

The new mystery series from the author of WHEN LIFE GIVES YOU MANGOES (Di Island Crew Investigates)

Kereen Getten Sarah Odedina

Kinderbücher Jugendbücher

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Beschreibung zu „The Case of the Lighthouse Intruder“

Waterstones Children's Book of the Month
Uncover the secrets of the island in The Case of the Lighthouse Intruder the gripping first book in Kereen Getten's thrilling new mystery series, Di Island Crew Investigates!
Fayson's dream of becoming a detective finally comes true when her cousins recruit her to their top-secret gang. But the Greatest Gang of All Time isn't exactly living up to their name, constantly side-tracked by food, sleep and squabbles.
Determined to set things right, Fayson takes charge and dives into the mystery surrounding a mysterious shadow haunting the island's lighthouse.
With tensions rising within the gang, Fayson relies on her sharp smarts and inspiration from her favourite mystery novels to crack the case. Can she unravel the secrets, confront the shadow, and unite her friends?


Pushkin Children's Books




ca. 90





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