Haibara's Teenage New Game+ Volume 2

Kazuki Amamiya


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Beschreibung zu „Haibara's Teenage New Game+ Volume 2“

With his friend group saved and his social standing maintained, Natsuki Haibara is well on his way to living the youth of his dreams after leaping back in time seven years to his high school days. Now that he’s cleared phase one of his Rainbow-Colored Youth Plan, he’s on to phase two—getting a girlfriend! He has his eyes set on the school’s number one beauty, Hikari Hoshimiya, and in order to win her over, Natsuki joins forces with his childhood friend. Sounds like he’s got it all figured out, right? Nah, you know what they say: where there are teenagers, there’s bound to be drama. Trouble’s afoot in the girls’ basketball club, putting a damper on everyone’s mood. Plus, things always get messy when friends crush on other friends and none of the feelings are mutual. Can Natsuki find the ideal balance between friendship and romance? Or is everything fated to fall apart when love comes into play?


J-Novel Club




ca. 151





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