One Beat of a Heart

Kay Seeley

Hörbuch Romane Historische Romane

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Beschreibung zu „One Beat of a Heart“

Hopes are high at the Fitzroy Hotel on Edward VII's Coronation Day. London is full of people celebrating and the Fitzroy family hope to prosper after hard times. When tragedy strikes lives are thrown into turmoil. Clara Fitzroy refuses to conform to convention. Her reckless behaviour has devastating consequences and an ill-judged liaison threatens to destroy everything she's hoped for. Clara has to make a decision that will change her life. Will she make the right one? She asks Daisy Carter, the hotel housekeeper, for help, but Daisy has problems of her own. A family relationship brings grief and heartache and a well meaning action ends in disaster. A life-changing moment, a heartbreaking choice. Can Clara find the courage to follow her heart and find the happiness she craves? Can Daisy keep her family together when fate is pulling them apart?

Gelesen von:

Annie Aldington






8 Std. 12 Min.





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