The Voyage (Unabridged)

Katherine Mansfield

Hörbuch Romane Klassiker

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Beschreibung zu „The Voyage (Unabridged)“

The Voyage is a 1921 short story by Katherine Mansfield. It was first published in The Sphere on 24 December 1921, and later reprinted in The Garden Party and Other Stories.
At the harbour Fenella and her grandmother say goodbye to Fenella's father and board the Picton boat; a number of everyday situations are described during the journey, which highlight a degree of tension between the rather religious grandmother and staff on the boat. At Picton they are met by Mr Penreddy with a carriage. They arrive at the grandparents's house and meet Fenella's grandfather. It becomes apparent slowly as the story develops that Fenella's mother has recently died, and she is being taken to live in Picton for an unknown length of time.

Über Katherine Mansfield

Katherine Mansfield (1888-1923) was born in Wellington, New Zealand, but moved to Europe in 1903. In London she befriended avant garde writers such as D.H. Lawrence, Virginia Woolf and the critic John Middleton Murry. Her own work, influenced by Anton Chekhov, made her name as a master of stories and short fiction.

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Hiral Varsani


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22 Min.





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