Metzerott, Shoemaker

Katharine Pearson Woods

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Beschreibung zu „Metzerott, Shoemaker“

In 'Metzerott, Shoemaker', Katharine Pearson Woods presents a compelling historical fiction novel that takes place in the early 20th century. The book vividly portrays the struggles and triumphs of a young shoemaker named Metzerott as he navigates the rapidly changing world around him. Woods' writing style is rich in detail and captures the essence of the time period, immersing readers in the sights and sounds of the era. The characters are expertly developed, allowing readers to form deep connections with their stories and experiences. The book not only entertains but also educates readers on the social and economic conditions of the time period, shedding light on important historical events and themes. 'Metzerott, Shoemaker' is a must-read for lovers of historical fiction and those interested in exploring the human experience in a time of great change.


Good Press




ca. 318





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