Something blue for Sophie Drew

Katey Lovell

Hörbuch Romane Liebesromane

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Beschreibung zu „Something blue for Sophie Drew“

A witty, emotional tale of a baby, a bride-to-be, and a band of friends who are there for each other when things don't go as planned …

New mum Sophie Drew is planning her wedding to Max—who is proving to be an attentive and devoted dad to their baby girl. If only Sophie had as much energy. Motherhood—along with shopping for a bridal gown and other wedding-planning demands—is draining the life out of her.

Fortunately her friends are by her side, and when she has an emotional meltdown, the troops rally around her . A trip to the doctor reveals she has postnatal depression—and soon some big decisions will need to be made. Can Sophie juggle it all without dropping some balls?

This follow-up to Nothing New for Sophie Drew and When's It Due, Sophie Drew? is a funny, heartwarming story of friendship, partnership, and the challenges of modern womanhood.

Gelesen von:

Colleen Prendergast






6 Std. 14 Min.





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