Furious Heaven

Kate Elliott

Science Fiction

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Beschreibung zu „Furious Heaven“

Furious Heaven is Kate Elliott's highly anticipated sequel to the thrilling space adventure Unconquerable Sun!

The Republic of Chaonia fleets, under the joint command of Princess Sun and her formidable mother, Queen-Marshal Eirene, have defeated and driven out an invading fleet of the Phene Empire, though not without heavy losses. But the Empire remains undeterred. While Chaonia scrambles to rebuild its military, the Empire’s rulers are determined to squash Chaonia once and for all. They believe their military might is strong enough to defeat the enemy, but they also secure a secret alliance with a deadly religious sect skilled in the use of assassination and covert ops, to destabilize the republic.

On the eve of Eirene’s bold attack on the rich and populous Karnos System, an unexpected tragedy strikes the republic. Sun must take charge or lose the throne. Will Sun be content with the pragmatic path laid out by her mother for Chaonia’s future? Or will she choose to forge her own legend? Can she succeed despite all the forces arrayed against her?

Also by Kate Elliott

The Sun Chronicles
Unconquerable Sun
Furious Heaven

Young Adult Novels by Kate Elliott

Court of Fives
Court of Fives
Poisoned Blade
Buried Heart

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Über Kate Elliott

Kate Elliott is the author of more than a dozen epic novels. Her novel King's Dragon was a finalist for the Nebula Award and The Golden Key (co-written with Melanie Rawn and Jennifer Roberson) was a World Fantasy Award finalist. Born in Oregon, she lives in Hawaii.


Tor Books




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