New Berlin: The Children Of Icarus

Karsten Krepinsky

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Beschreibung zu „New Berlin: The Children Of Icarus“

"Dystopian." "Captivating." "Stunning." Sometime in the remote future. The acrid smell of burning fires has settled over the City of New Berlin. Billowing smoke obscures the sun. The city itself has been under siege for twenty years by now, everything but its very center being under enemy control. A military regime uses rigid oppression to make its citizens toe the line. Dissenters and collaborators are weeded out by an army of headhunters. Max Hofstetter is one of them. When his immediate boss, Charlotte Fleming, orders him to bring down the killer of a high-ranking government official, his search leads him into the Forbidden Zone, as the area that surrounds Berlin’s TV tower now is called. When the discovery of the leadership’s most closely guarded secret rocks his world, the hunter is turned into prey… A Science-Fiction Thriller


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