Rogue Invasion

5 Days to Zero Hour

Karlheinz Moll

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Beschreibung zu „Rogue Invasion“

During a private trip to Singapore, German federal police officer Alexander Granger is approached by Interpol agent Brandon Song regarding overlapping investigations in Hamburg and the city-state. In both cities, commercial containers have been found with strange appliances built into them. While they are investigating these containers, they are shot at.

In the South China Sea, tensions are boiling between China and Taiwan. There are indications that the two nations may be getting closer to a serious military conflict.

A lawyer in Boston is asked to write a legal brief which could rattle the U.S. Presidency.

Meanwhile, commercial containers are loaded onto trucks and head from Vancouver towards the Rocky Mountain States. On their way to Montana, North Dakota and Wyoming, the truck drivers leave a trail of death.

Alexander Granger, with the help of Interpol in Singapore and police in Germany, follows the trail of the mysterious containers, trying to connect the dots between the various events and to prevent a global crisis.






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