The Bird Master

Karin Erlandsson


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Beschreibung zu „The Bird Master“

A fierce battle for freedom in the deep forests of the wintry north… The Bird Master is the second book in the four-part series Song of the Eye Stone. Set in a fantastical world, it is an epic saga of friendship, longing and the things that truly matter in life. It is published with Book 1 The Pearl Whisperer. In their failed quest for the eye stone, Miranda and Syrsa found each other instead. Now they have settled in a northern port town where they must learn to forget about pearls and adapt to a peaceful life in their new woodcutters' community. But the peace is soon broken when timid birds mysteriously begin attacking the townspeople. Miranda realises it must be the work of their old foe Iberis, whose greed and power has reached them all the way up north. Bird attacks are just the beginning. Soon the whole town is under the tyranny of Iberis and the eye stone. And only Syrsa and Miranda can save them.


Young Dedalus




ca. 175





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