The Trouble with the Two-Headed Hydra

Karen Foxlee


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Beschreibung zu „The Trouble with the Two-Headed Hydra“

There are those who hunt monsters to harm them and there are those who hunt monsters to help them. Which one are you?Miss Mary-Kate Martin and her mother are off on an adventure to the enchanting Greek island of Galinios. An ancient mosaic has been unearthed and Professor Martin must investigate, leaving Mary-Kate to explore the island and bask in the sunshine.But soon her relaxing holiday turns into a monster-sized mystery, when a message arrives asking for help. Could the local legend of the Two-Headed Hydra be more than just a story? And what could have made this serene sea creature so angry?Miss Mary-Kate Martin might be anxious, but she's not scared of monsters! With the help of her new friend Nikos, she is determined to find answers.

Über Karen Foxlee

Karen Foxlee, geb. 1971 in Queensland/Australien, arbeitete viele Jahre als Krankenschwester, bevor sie sich dem Schreiben zuwandte und Creative Writing studierte.Sie lebt als freie Autorin in Gympie/Queensland in Australien. Für ihr literarisches Debut wurde sie mit dem renommierten Queensland Premier’s Literary Award ausgezeichnet.


Pushkin Children's Books




ca. 120





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