Exit Reality

Dreams of the Far Future

Julius Laitinen

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Beschreibung zu „Exit Reality“

Sword rises to the sky. The heavens crack with the most powerful and turbulent sound of thunder. A thunderblast is forced upon the battered and bloody villain, who until now was winning the fight. Our knight in shining armour, shining from blood and thunder, releases the smile of a winner. He thinks to himself, finally, the revenge he has been looking for his whole adult life. And the sweet release of death. Thank you, God. He takes his last step, breathes in and falls to the raging water from the cliff. A new world is in order. A world of peace and prosperity. A world where children are not forced to watch their parents die and live only for avenging their deaths. Cultivating land and raising animals for food, no more need for war and corruption. Everything is peaceful and perfect, until... A strange ship lands at the beach.


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