Emotionale Kompetenz bei Kindern und Jugendlichen

Entwicklung und Folgen

Maria von Salisch Julie Klinkhammer Katharina Voltmer

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Beschreibung zu „Emotionale Kompetenz bei Kindern und Jugendlichen“

Emotionally competent children and young adults are able to recognize emotions in themselves and others and articulate them verbally, expressing their feelings and, if necessary, regulating them. This is important both in social relationships and also for success in school. This book introduces what emotional competence means and how young adults can acquire it. On the child=s side, the influences of gender, temperament, executive functions, and language development are involved. In addition, parental upbringing and the influence of peers, social class and culture also play a part. Programs for supporting emotional competence are presented. For this second edition, the book has been fully revised and a chapter on diagnosis has been added.

Über Maria von Salisch

Privat-Dozentin Angela Ittel, Ph.D., lehrt am Arbeitsbereich Empirische Erziehungswissenschaft an der Freien Universität Berlin. Professor Dr. Maria von Salisch lehrt am Institut für Psychologie der Universität Lüneburg.
Mit Beiträgen von Urs Fuhrer, Barbara Gasteiger Klicpera, Mario Gollwitzer, Angela Ittel, Linda Juang, Tina Malti, Bram Orobio de Castro, Maria von Salisch, Mechthild Schäfer, Herbert Scheithauer, Christiane Spiel, Nicole Werner, Ines von Witzleben u.a.

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