Soundtrack to Torment

Julian Clyne

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Beschreibung zu „Soundtrack to Torment“

"The next thing that penetrates my perception is the blue sky above the clouds. Perfect, untainted azure, as if everything was alright, as if nothing could ever break the peace, as if they right in saying that, up here, the sun always shines. But it's just an illusion. For I'm flying East, into the night, and up here the night is even darker."

Purest silence, the underwater world, travels to distant lands, mirrors: they are both escape and revelation for these characters who go through loss and existential crises, who feel love and loneliness in the city, who seek beauty in the minute as time is slowed down to just one moment. All the protagonists might just be various facets of one and the same. For at the heart of this album of possibly interrelated short stories and prose poems stands the question: "Of all myselves, which is my self?" and attempts at finding an answer.

Über Julian Clyne

Julian Clyne was born in the cold month of December 1984 in France. He moved back and forth across the Rhine, the Channel and the Pond, and thus grew up with different cultures yet without roots. He travels to experience, he travels to escape; he writes to stay sane, he writes to probe his mind: it’s all a perpetual Search for It. He loves to hold readings of his own prose and of that written by the great minds who’ve inspired him. He is also open to assignments, ghost services and anything else to do with words and voices. He currently resides in Berlin (Germany). Julian Clyne is a pen name.






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