The Underground City; Or, The Black Indies (Sometimes Called The Child of the Cavern)

Jules Verne

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Beschreibung zu „The Underground City; Or, The Black Indies (Sometimes Called The Child of the Cavern)“

Jules Verne's novel, 'The Underground City; Or, The Black Indies' (sometimes called 'The Child of the Cavern'), is a fascinating tale that explores the exploration of underground coal mines in Aberfoyle, Scotland. Written in Verne's signature style of combining adventure with scientific curiosity, the novel follows the journey of a group of characters as they navigate the depths of the Earth's crust. Verne's attention to detail and vivid descriptions of the underground landscapes make the reader feel immersed in the dark and mysterious setting. Jules Verne, known for his pioneering works in the science fiction genre, was inspired to write 'The Underground City' by the technological advancements in mining during the 19th century. His interest in exploration and the unknown shines through in this novel, as he delves into the uncharted territories beneath the surface of the Earth. I highly recommend 'The Underground City; Or, The Black Indies' to readers who enjoy a blend of adventure, science, and exploration. Verne's unique storytelling and imaginative narrative will captivate anyone looking for a thrilling and educational read.

Über Jules Verne

JULES VERNE (1828–1905) wuchs in einer gutgestellten Rechtsanwaltsfamilie in der französischen Stadt Nantes auf, er war das erste von fünf Kindern. Sein Vater strebte für ihn eine Juristenkarriere an, doch schon der junge Jules fühlte sich unwiderstehlich zu zwei Leidenschaften hingezogen: dem Schreiben und dem wissenschaftlichen Erforschen von Zusammenhängen. Nach vielen schriftstellerischen Experimenten gelang ihm im Alter von 35 Jahren der geniale Coup, der seinen Weltruhm begründete: Er »erfand« ein völlig neues Genre der Literatur, den technik-basierten Abenteuerroman.


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