Tudor school-boy life: the dialogues of Juan Luis Vives

Juan Luis Vives

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Beschreibung zu „Tudor school-boy life: the dialogues of Juan Luis Vives“

In 'Tudor school-boy life: the dialogues of Juan Luis Vives,' the reader is taken on a journey through the educational philosophies and experiences of a young student in sixteenth-century England. Through engaging dialogues, Vives explores topics such as the importance of personal morality, the value of education, and the challenges faced by young boys in their pursuit of knowledge. Written in a conversational style, the book offers a fascinating glimpse into the daily life and struggles of Tudor schoolboys, shedding light on the cultural and intellectual milieu of the time. Vives' keen observations and practical wisdom make this work a valuable resource for understanding the educational practices of the period. Juan Luis Vives, a renowned Renaissance humanist, was deeply committed to the reform of education and the promotion of intellectual inquiry. His own experiences as a student and teacher informed his writings on pedagogy and social issues, making him a leading figure in the intellectual circles of his time. Vives' dedication to improving the lives of young people is evident in his insightful and thought-provoking dialogues. 'Tudor school-boy life: the dialogues of Juan Luis Vives' is a must-read for anyone interested in the history of education, the Renaissance humanist movement, or the cultural context of Tudor England. Vives' timeless observations on morality, education, and personal growth remain relevant today, making this book a valuable contribution to the study of intellectual history.


Good Press




ca. 214





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