Cutting Edge

Noir stories by women

Various Authors Joyce Carol Oates


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Beschreibung zu „Cutting Edge“

'Drowning, stabbing, shooting, beheading: the fun is endless' The Times, Best Crime Fiction for November
'Murder, mystery and mayhem wreak havoc in these 15 twisty tales which transform victim into victor' Daily Mail
'It would make an ideal present for a wicked aunt, but bear in mind giving it might be seen as incitement to murder' Sunday Times
In the old days, all werewolves were men. Margaret Atwood
In this slyly subversive noir anthology, Joyce Carol Oates has invited some of the world's most celebrated authors to take their shot at the patriarchy.
Featuring stories and poems from Margaret Atwood, Joyce Carol Oates, Valerie Martin, Aimee Bender, Edwidge Danticat, Sheila Kohler, S.A. Solomon, S.J. Rozan, Lucy Taylor, Cassandra Khaw, Bernice L. McFadden, Jennifer Morales, Elizabeth McCracken, Livia Llewellyn, Lisa Lim, and Steph Cha.

Über Various Authors

There are twenty-six contributors to this collection: Gerry Boland, Barbara Boyd-Anderson, Arthur Broomfield, Martin Byrne, Marion Clarke, Dominique Cleary, Richard Clune, Paddy Doherty, William Doyle, Eamon Duffin, Reed James, Andrew Joyce, Ndrek Gjini, Graham Heneghan, Rose Kelleher, Chloe Kiely, Mitch Lavender, Ciaran McLoughlin, Alan McMonagle, Kieran Marsh, Noel O’Regan, Atila Racz, Dorothy Reed, Sean Turner, Dan Walsh, Margaret Zheng.


Pushkin Vertigo




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