Essential Readings in International and Comparative Adult Education

Jost Reischmann


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Beschreibung zu „Essential Readings in International and Comparative Adult Education“

Often in international comparative studies, it is difficult to refer to older basic texts because they are hidden in old publications, difficult to locate. This book makes a selection of such old but 'essential' texts available and wants to docu-ment the long history of the international/ comparative perspective. 'Standing on the shoulder of giants' allows not only a grounded look back but hopefully also a reliable and experience-based look in the future.

The editor of this book, Jost Reischmann, Prof. em., Bamberg University, Germany, has a long history in international and comparative adult education. He presented papers on conferences around the world, from San Diego (USA) to Soul (Korea). When the International Society for Comparative Adult Education (ISCAE) was founded in 1992, he became the first president and developed this society over many years.

We hope this new book will help old-timers and new-comers to contribute to the enriching world of international comparative adult education.


ZIEL Verlag




ca. 401





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