Race and Changes

Josephs Quartzy

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What if I say YES? when I'm asked if all people around the world with different races were originally BLACK. I am black myself, but that doesn't make me say yes because that seems a lot like defending my ethnicity. Historians would never convince me to say yes too because historians need much more help from scientists to defend themselves, I always believed that unproven historical theories are just fiction tales. I somewhat believe in science but already-proven science facts can be proven wrong again sometimes. What about Holy Scriptures? mmmh….!! That goes a lot with faith rather than proof too, though I'm a man of faith I won't comment anything about it. But, what if science proves that the historical hypothesis (if not the conclusion) concerning the origin of the human race being black is true? What if other sources and factors join hands with science to agree with it? I would eventually believe in it too.






ca. 16





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